
About East Bay Hand and Upper Extremity

About East Bay Hand and Upper Extremity

Hand Surgeons East Bay - San Franciso

East Bay Hand & Upper Extremity is a multidisciplinary center offering comprehensive upper extremity care – from second opinion consultations, minimally invasive treatments, pain management, orthopedic care, and reconstructive surgery. Our team of experts is recognized for their contributions to advancing the art and science of the upper extremity and for their holistic and individualized care of patients.

Restoring upper extremity function and appearance invigorates life… making it richer and more meaningful. To this end, and to each of our patients, we have dedicated East Bay Hand & Upper Extremity.

"The function of the hands is integral to one's sense of identity. How we use our hands helps define who we are. In caring for hands, I want to restore a sense of wholeness, talent, and meaning. Hand surgery is all about helping a person realize their maximum potential, helping themdo what they want to do and be who they want to become."
-Dr. Douglas Chin


Please contact us today to schedule an appointment or get more information about our hand and upper extremity surgical services.